2-18.What is the device identified bythe letter “D”?1.Insulator2.Lightning arrester3.Fused cutout4.Circuit breaker2-19.What is the device identified bythe letter “E”?1.Recloser2.Circuit breaker3.Air switch4.Fused cutout2-20.The transformers shown are whattype?1.Completely self-protected2.Self-protected3.ConventionalLearning Objective: Describeconductor supports, methods ofguying poles, and factorsconsidered in pole layout.2-21.In an electrical power system, thesupporting structures for theconductors must be designed to1.support the ueight of theconductors2.support the ueight of alltransformers or other equipmentmounted on the support3.provide required clearancesfrom the ground to theconductors and between theconductors4.do all of the above2-22.Which of the followingcircumstance provide the bestjustification for placing anelectrical distribution systemunderground, rather than overhead?1.When the system is to beinstalled in an area subject tomajor termite damage2.When underground installationis justified on the basis ofinitial construction cost only3.When an economic analysis showsthat construction and long-termmaintenance costs are less forunderground installation4.When the system to be installedwould impede airfield traffic2-23.The availability of wood poles atany given naval installationdepends upon which of the followingfactors?1.Strength2.Species3.Size4.Class2-24.When designing an overheaddistribution system, for which ofthe following reasons might anengineer select a Class 2 pole,rather than a Class 5 pole?1.When a longer pole is needed toobtain necessary clearances2.When a stronger pole is neededto support the loads that willbe applied to the pole3.When a pole having a smallerbutt circumference is requireddue to local conditions on theground4.When the design loads are lessthan those requiring a Class 2pole2-25.Which of the following criteriais/are NOT considered when anengineer determines the requiredlength of a wooden powerdistribution pole?1.Usage of the pole2.Future growth index of the area3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Safety and working clearances10
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