2-26.In the Navy, which of the followingtypes of poles may be used forstreet-lighting circuits?1.Aluminum or steel only2.Aluminum, wood. or concreteonly3.Aluminum, steel, wood, orconcrete4.Aluminum or concrete onlyA.Side guyB.Terminal down guyCHead guyo.Push braceFigure 2CIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 2-27 THROUGH 2-29,SELECT FROM FIGURE 2C THE TYPE OF POLE GUYOR SUPPORT THAT CAN BE USED TO BESTSATISFY THE CONDITION GIVEN AS THEQUESTION.2-27.Used to transfer loads from onepole to another.1. A2. B3. C4. D2-28.Used at the end of a pole line.1. A2. B3. C4. D2-29.Counterbalances the pull ofconductors in a curved portion ofthe line when guy anchors areimpracticable.1. A2. B3. C4. D2-30.Which of the following factors areimportant for an engineer toconsider when selecting the routefor a new overhead distributionline?1.Future maintenance economy2.Trends in population growth3.Distance and terrain conditions4.All of the aboveLearning Objective: Describeelectrical distribution drawings,their uses, and their requirements.2-31.You are preparing a preliminarysite plan for a new public worksmaintenance facility. On this siteplan, the electrical designengineer requires information, suchas the location, identification,and class of existing distributionpoles; the location,identification, and capacity ofexisting transformers; and thesize, type, and voltage of existingoverhead and undergroundconductors. In what source(s)should you look first to find thisinformation?1.The station’s electricaldistribution drawings or plans2.The surveyor’s field books3.The station master plan4.The electrical site plans forall surrounding buildings orfacilities2-32.Electrical manholes are identifiedon electrical utility drawings by1.number and type only2.symbol, dimensions, andelevation3.identification number,location, type, dimensions, andtop and invert elevations4.number, type, and completeelectrical data11
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