3-44.What type of ditch should be usedto move a large volume of water?1.V-bottom2.Diversion3.Trapezoidal4.Flat bottom3-45.Which of the following materialshas the greatest amount of runoff?1.Stones2.Solid rock3.Sand4.Silt3-46.In road construction, whenever aroad crosses a stream with a 9-footcross drain, the drain structureused is called1.a culvert2.a bridge3.a diversion ditch4.a channel3-47.Diversion ditches drain excesswater away from the roadway to whatsystem?1.Interceptor ditches2.Natural earth drains3.Culverts4.Storm drainsLearning Objective: Identify anddescribe airfield nomenclature asused in the construction ofstandard technical drawings.3-48.What is another name for a runway?1.Landing strip2.Landing area3.Taxiway4.Transition surface3-49.What surface provides access toand from the runway for aircraft?1.Apron2.Hardstand3.Taxiway4.End zone3-50.The dimensions for the end zone arespecified by what authority?1.Federal Aviation Authority2.Air wing commander3.Aircraft industry4.ABFC design criteria3-51.On airfields, flexible pavementscan be used in which of thefollowing locations?1.Refueling sites2.Shoulders3.Service aprons4.RunwaysLearning Objective: Identifyand describe pavements and thebasic standard materials usedin the construction of roads andairfields.3-52.The terms “flexible pavement” and“pavement” may be interchanged.1.True2.False3-53.What asphaltic coat is used to helpbind the base course to the surfacecourse?1.Tack coat2.Seal coat3.Rain coat4.Prime coat3-54.Which of the following materialscan be used as a subbase for roadsand airfields?1.Portland cement2.Ashes3.Tar4.Each of the above3-55.Uncrushed, washed gravel should NOTbe used as base course material dueto which of the following factors?1.Too high a moisture content2.Lack of fine material3.Too much binder material4.Lack of clay content19
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