3-33.Preliminary cross sections are usedin conjunction with (a) whatsections and (b) for which of thefollowing purposes?1.(a) Final (b) to determine as-built conditions2.(a) As-built (b) to determineconstruction errors3.(a) Typical (b) to determineexisting material usefulness4.(a) finished roadbed (b) todetermine earthworkrequirements3-34.Final cross sections show which ofthe following information?1.Finished elevation2.Actual cross-sectional shape ofthe curves3.Distances of ditches from thecenter line4.Each of the above3-35.When, if ever, should a route berelocated due to drainage problems?1.When planned through a forest2.When located in a floodplain3.When underground springs are amile away4.Never3-36.Which, if any, of the followingactions should be taken during roadconstruction to prevent standingpuddles on the roadway?1.Slant the worked surface of theroad to provide quicker runoff2.Cut ditches outside theconstruction limits3.Raise the final grade of theroadway4.None of the above3-37.A perforated pipe is placed in thebottom of a trench and backfilledto a designated depth to lower thewater table. What term describesthis action?3-38.You lay out a 50-foot ditch forsubsurface drainage. What is theminimum grade, in feet, allowed?, if any, of the followingeffects does rainfall have on aroadway?1.Cleans the road surface2.Erodes the roadway3.Weakens road if allowed tostand4.None of the above3-40.Your center-line elevation is0.25 feet higher than the edge ofthe road.What term best describesthis condition?1.Superelevation2.Drainage3.Ditching4.Crown3-41.Which of the following factorsshould you consider whendetermining the size and typeof roadway ditches?1.Soil types2.Lay of the land3.Volume of water4.Each of the above3-42.Which of the following conditionsoccur when using a minimum gradeon ditches?1.Excessive erosion2.Increased water-runoff velocity3.Ponding effect3-43.The purpose of check dams is to1.collect water2.slow waters3.form ponds4.beautify the roaduay1.French drain2.Trenching3.Bleeders4.Tile drain18
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