3-22.A vertical curve at the crest ofa hill is what type of curve?1.Sag2.Undervertical3.Overhead4.Summit3-23.When the center-line grade rises3 feet in 75 feet horizontaldistance, what is the slope ofthe grade line?1.+3.0%2.-3.0%3.+4.0%4.-4.0%3-24.In a road plan, what term is usedto designate grade points?1.Station2.Profile3.Elevation4.Grade3-25.On a road plan. station numbersare (a) lettered and (b) locatedin what manner?1.(a) Horizontally above theprofile(b) right of the appropriatevertical grid line2.(a) Horizontally below theprofile(b) left of the appropriatevertical grid line3.(a) Horizontally above theprofile(b) centered on the appropriatevertical grid line4.(a) Horizontally below theprofile(b) centered on the appropriatevertical grid line3-26.In a profile and grade-linedrawing, all drainage structuresare dimensioned by1.station2.type3.detail4.notes3-27.The minimum clearing width on theleft side of the roadway is howmuch greater than constructionlimits?1.5 ft2.6 ft3.10 ft4.12 ft3-28.Which of the following materialsmay be used as a base course inroad construction?1.Sand2.Gravel3.Concrete4.Each of the above3-29.The surface course is placed overthe1.base2.subgrade3.subbase4.roadbed3-30.A typical section of a road showsexactly what about the road?1.How it looks beforeconstruction begins2.HOW it will look uponcompletion3.How it should look afterconstruction4.How it looks at station 0 + 00and the final station only3-31.A typical straight road sectiondiffers from a typical curvesection in what way?1.Shape of the road only2.Width of the road only3.Shape and width of the road3-32.You have completed a route surveyand are to draw cross sections fromthe notes. What type of sectionwill be drawn first?1.Preliminary2.Final3.Typical4.As-built17
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