Learning Objective: Describe theelements and structures of atypical wastewater collectionsystemA.Main sewerB.Submain sewerCBuilding sewerD.Force mainE.Inverted siphonFigure 2DIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 2-52 THROUGH 2-55,SELECT FROM FIGURE 2D THE SYSTEM ELEMENTOR STRUCTURE THAT BEST SATISFIES THECONDITION GIVEN AS THE QUESTION.2-52.May be less than 8 inches indiameter.1. A2. B3. C4. D2-53.May receive affluent from a branchsewer plus a lateral.1. A2. B3. C4. E2-54.Designed to flow full and underpressure.1.A only2.A and D3.D only4.D and E2-55.Also called a trunk sewer.1. A2. B3. C4. D2-56.For gravity piping in general, thegradient should be such that thewastewater moves at what minimumrate of speed?1.1 foot per second2.2 feet per second3.3 feet per second4.4 feet per second2-57.What system elements or structuresshould be placed at all locationswhere wastewater piping changesdirection, grade, or size?1.Force mains2.Inverted siphons3.Manhole4.Intercepting sewers2-58.When, if ever, is it permissible torun a sanitary sewer line and awater line in the same trench?1.When the water line isinstalled 3 feet below thesewer line2.When the sewer line isinstalled 3 feet below thewater line3.When the water pipe is encasedin a concrete sleeve4.Never2-59.When an engineer determines thedesign flow of a sewer line, whattwo factors are sometimes combinedby addition?1.Daily flow and peak flow2.Average usage and daily flow3.Peak flow and infiltrationallowance4.Daily flow and infiltrationallowance2-60.In wastewater system design, theaverage daily flow is based on anaverage per capita usage of howmany gallons of water per day?1. 752.1003.1504.20014
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