6-68.You may prevent direction error by1.placing directional arrows onthe traverse diagram2.quickly adding up the anglesto ensure the traverse lineswere not dropped3.making both readings and fieldnote entries with deliberation4.never writing a value withoutincluding the appropriate sign6-69.Which of the follwing errors usesthe same prevention method asdirection error prevention?1.Dropped signs2.Dropped traverse lines3.Wrong azimuths4.Missing decimal points6-70.When you have an outsized linearerror of closure, what should youcheck first?1.Your latitudes and departuresare correct2.A dropped traverse line3.Your arithmetic4.The bearings computations6-71.In your traverse containing fiveinterior angles, you compute afinal sum of the angles of 500°.What mistake, if any, was probablymade?1.One of the angles was probablydropped, since the sum of theangles should be 540°2.The angles were probably addedincorrectly, since the sumshould be 360°3.You will have to return to thefield to find the mistake4.None6-72.After you check computations andensure that no angle was dropped inthe process, you still have a largeerror of closure. What furthercheck, if any, should you attemptat this time?1.See if an angle is exactlyequal to the error of closure;if so, there is a deflectionangle error2.Construct a perpendicularbisector from the line of thelinear error of closure toindicate possibly the erroneousmeasurement involved3.Construct a line parallel tothe suspected erroneous line tofind the error4.None; you must return to thefield6-73.When you have an outsized error ofclosure for latitudes but notdepartures, what should you check?1.A mistake in an angle2.A mistake in a distance3.An arithmetic error4.A dropped traverse line6-74.When you have an outsize linearerror of closure but an acceptableangular error of closure, youshould check to see whether youused the1.sine of the bearing whenfinding the latitude of thecourse2.sine of the bearing whenfinding the departure of thecourse3.cosine of the bearing whenfinding the departure of thecourse4.tangent of the bearing whenfinding the latitude of thecourse43
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