7-9.The stadia method provideshorizontal distances of a higherprecision than those obtained bytaping, EDM, or differentialleveling.1.True2.FalseLearning Objective: Identifycharacteristics of instruments usedfor determining horizontaldistances and elevations. Identifyprocedures for determining thevertical angle of a point by thetransit-stadia method. Use basicterms and formulas and also performcomputations that are used ontopographic surveys.7-10.Philadelphia rods should be usedfor stadia work for distances up to1,500 feet.1.True2.False7-11.The stadia interval is defined asPOINTRODINTERCEPTVERTICAL ANGLE1.the reading on the rod betweenthe stadia hairs2.the distance to the stadia rod3.the reading between the upperstadia hair and the middlecross hair4.the reading between the lowerstadia hair and the middlecross hair7-12.When your stadia reading is morethan the length of the rod, whatprocedure do you use?1.Read a half-interval using themiddle cross hair and thenmultiply the reading by 22.Hold two rods together3.Make a rod in the BU shop thatwill be long enough4.Shorten your sighting7-13.Stadia distance is equal to1.the rod reading2.the rod reading divided by thestadia constant3.the stadia interval4.the stadia interval times thestadia constant7-14.Stadia horizontal distances arenormally recorded to what degree ofaccuracy?1.To 0.01 ft with a target2.To 0.1 ft over 300 ft3.To the nearest foot4.As close as possibleIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 7-15 THROUGH 7-19,ASSUME THAT YOU ARE LOCATING POINTS B ANDC BY THE TRANSIT-STADIA METHOD WITH THEINSTRUMENT SET UP AT STATION A. USE THEFOLLOWING INFORMATION:Focal distance =1.00 ftElevation A= 431.8 ftInstrument height =4.5 ftRod reading=4.5 ftB4.54+3°18’C6.42-2°44’7-15.What is the horizontal distance AB?1.451.6 ft2.452.6 ft3.452.8 ft4.453.5 ft7-16.The difference in elevation betweenstation A and point B is1.26.1 ft2.26.2 ft3.26.4 ft4.26.6 ft7-17.What is the elevation of point B?1.405.6 ft2.405.7 ft3.457.9 ft4.458.0 ft46
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