ASSIGNMENT 7Textbook Assignment: “Topographic Surveying and Mapping.” Pages 8-1 through 8-24.7-1.7-2.7-3.7–4.7-5.Learning Objective: Recognizeprocedures and definitionsassociated with horizontal andvertical control.Which of the following elements isrepresentative of topographic maps?1.The earth’s surface7-6.2.The earth’s natural features3.The man-made features4.Each of the aboveTopographic map information isobtained in what manner?1.From photographs2.From other maps3.By a topographic survey4.By observation from aircraft7-7.Control points are located in whatmanner?1.By triangulation only2.By traversing only3.Both 1 and 2 above4.By indirect levelingIn a topographic survey of an area,what kind of control is crossties from one side of thearea to another?1.Primary2.Secondary3.Horizontal4.VerticalVertical control is normallyestablished by which of thefollowing means?1.Direct leveling2.Trigonometric leveling3.Barometric leveling4.Indirect levelingLearning Objective: Recognizeprocedures used in locatingtopographic details by thetransit-tape method and thetransit-stadia method. Computehorizontal distances andelevations.When topographic maps require ahigh degree of accuracy, whatmethod of finding detai1s isrecommended?1.Transit and tape2.Transit and stadia3.Transit and trigonometricleveling4.EDM and levelWhen time is more critical than ahigh degree of accuracy, whatmethod of locating details isrecommended?1.Transit and tape2.Transit and stadia3.Transit and trigonometricleveling4.EDM and levelWhich of the following actionsshould you take to avoidovercrowding and confusion whensketching details during fieldwork?1.Use azimuths instead ofdeflection angles2.Use numbers and legends for alarge number of details3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Estimate distances and angles45
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