6-61.You have a planimeter but do notknow the constant for theinstrument. How may you determinean area with this instrument?1.By measuring the drum2.By measuring a known area ofthe same scale andestablishing a ratio3.By measuring the area you wantto know and calculate usingthe drawing scale6-62.Once you have determined thesegmental areas, what do you dowith this information to find thearea of the whole parcel?1.Always subtract the areas fromthe area of the parcel2.Always add the areas to thearea of the parcel3.Determine if the segmentalareas are inside or outsidethe parcel straight-line andchord boundaries, then add orsubtract as requiredLearning Objective: Recognizecorrect procedures for plottingangles by the protractor-and-scalemethod, tangents, and coordinates.A.ProtractorB.TangentC.CoordinatesFigure 6GIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 6-63 THROUGH 6-66,SELECT FROM FIGURE 6G THE METHOD OFPLOTTING TRAVERSES THAT IS BEST DEFINEDBY THE QUESTIONS. SOME RESPONSES MAY BEUSED MORE THAN ONCE.6-63.This method uses a NS meridian tolay out each angle.1. A2. B3. C6-64.This method uses linear distancesfrom reference lines, locatespoints, and then connects them withlines.1. A2. B3. C6-65.This method uses deflection anglesand a reference meridian.1. A2. B3. C6-66.This method uses a single meridianto lay out each bearing line. Thenyou use parallel lines to transferthese directions to the plot.1. A2. B3. CLearning Objective: Identifysurveying computation mistakes,their causes, and methods tocorrect them. Also, identify waysto prevent future mistakes.6-67.A bearing that has the correctangular value, but the wrongcompass direction is usually causedby which of the following surveyingmistakes?1.Viewing the direction of atraverse line from the wrongstation2.Dropping a traverse line3.Taking a reading from a wrongcolumn of a traverse table4.Omitting the plus or minus signof a written value42
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