ASSIGNMENT 8Textbook Assignment: “Plane Table Topography and Map Projection.” Pages 9-1 through 9-23.Learning Objective: Describe themethods and procedures used tolocate topographic details in thefield and to produce a topographicmap using a plane table andalidade.8-1.Surveyors prefer the plane-tablemethod for which of the followingreasons?1.Provides a nearly complete map2.Works well in poor lighting3.Requires the least amount ofequipment4.Provides quick setup and easymovement8-2.The plane table method isadvantageous under which of thefollowing conditions?1.Surveying hilly terrain2.Drawing a large-scale map3.Plotting a large number ofirregular lines in open country4.Working in a very humid climate8-3.The note keeper on a plane-tablesurvey party is responsible forwhat tasks?1.All computations2.Preparing the sketches3.Assisting the rodman4.Operating the alidade8-4.What type of alidade is preferredfor topography?1.Open sight2.Telescopic3.Self-leveling4.Direct reading8-5.The term table orientation isdefined by which of the followingstatements ?1.Table alignment and orientation2.Sight and point alignment usingthe alidade blade3.Scope orientation with paperrotation4.Table rotation and eyealignment8-6.What method of marking your pointon your sketch is recommended?1.Use the decimal point in yourhorizontal distance2.Use the O symbol3.Use an “X”4.Use the decimal point of theelevation8-7.Orientation by backsighting isaccomplished by what method?1.By sighting on an establishedbench mark2.By plotting a traverse lineonce you set up3.By using a plotted establishedline4.By balancing all your shots8-8.Orientating the plane table bycompass is recommended for whattype of mapping?1.Accurate small scale2.Accurate large scale3.Rough large scale4.Rough small scale8-9.Which of the following items mayaffect the orientation of the planetable by compass?1.Local attraction2.The earth’s magnetic field3.Both 2 and 3 above4.Electrical parallax52
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