8-10.Orientation of the plane table byresection requires the instrumentto be set up over one of the pointsused .1.True2.False8-11.The two-point method of resectionrefers to using two known pointswithout setting up on either pointto align the plane table.1.True2.False8-12.The three-point method is used whenyou have three known points that1.cannot be seen from all points2.are aligned3.cannot be conveniently occupied4.are outside the triangle oferror8-13.Using the three-point method, thetable is not normally aligned onthe first attempt. Thismisalignment causes what situation?1.Triangle of closure2.Triangle of error3.Pythagorean triangle4.Open triangle8-14.In the three-point method certainconditions must be met. Which ofthe following statements is one ofthe conditions?1.The point will not be on thesame side of all the rays2.If the error is inside yourtriangle, the point will beoutside the triangle3.The point will fall to the leftof all rays or right of allrays4.The point is located bybisecting perpendicular lines8-15.The tracing-cloth method is anexample of which of the followingtypes of orientation?1.Backsighting2.Compass3.Two point4.Resection8-16.Horizontal location of points maybe performed by resection. How, ifat all, does location by resectiondiffer from resectioning inorientation?1.Requires more points2.Requires occupying a knownpoint3.Requires more backsights4.No difference8-17.Intersection method of surveying isaccomplished by which of thefollowing techniques?1.Set up on unknown points, sightthe known points, and then drawplotting rays on the table2.Set up on known points, sight aunknown point, and thenestablish it as a known pointfor the next setup3.Set up on known points, sightthe unknown point, and thendraw rays from the known pointsto plot the unknown point4.Set up at an known point, sighton the known point, and thenmeasure the angles and distance8-18.Why is it important to identifypoints when locating them withradiation rays?1.They may appear differentlyfrom other points resulting inimproper sightings2.You are sighting multiplepoints from each point andcould miss a point3.You want to ensure proper pointverification4.You need to have proper tie-into the progressive traverse53
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