7-33.What is the multiplier used to findthe horizontal distance? is the horizontal distancefrom station A to point B?1.615.2 ft2.610.0 ft3.604.8 ft4.56.4 ft7-35.What is the difference in elevationbetween station A and point B?1.5.64 ft2.6.10 ft3.56.40 ft4.604.80 ft7-36.What correction factor do you applyto the elevation for the focallength?1.Add 1.00 ft to the elevation2.Add 0.75 ft to the elevation3.Add 0.09 ft to the elevation4.Add 0.07 ft to the elevationLearning Objective: Identify thepurpose of contour lines andidentify definitions of relatedterms. Recognize procedures forusing and interpreting contourlines; recognize the procedure forinterpolating contour lines.7-37.Relief, as applies to surveying, isdefined as1.the difference in elevation2.variation in the features ofthe earth’s surface3.variation of natural featuresof the earth’s surface4.man-made variations of theearth’s surface7-38.Which of the following methods areused for relief maps?1.3-D models2.Hachure lines3.Shading representing shadows4.Each of the above7-39.On a map, a line that representsthe same elevation for all pointson the line is called a/an1.contour line2.elevation line3.hachure line4.grid line7-40.Contour lines are used to show whattype of information on atopographic map?1.The guickest route2.Boundaries3.Rivers and streams4.Relief7-41.What is the difference between thevalues of adjacent contour linescalled?1.Index contour2.Contour interval3.Intermediate contour4.Elevation interval7-42.During a topographic survey, theactual contour points on the groundare located and plotted. Thissystem is called1.cross profiles2.control points3.grid control4.tracing contours7-43.The grid coordinate system worksbest on what type of features?1.Slopes2.Relatively level ground3.Valleys4.Shorelines and cliffs49
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