7-44.Two points, A and B, are 125 feetapart. A 100-foot contour passesthrough point A and a 125-footcontour passes through point B andthe slope is uniform. How far frompoint A, to scale, should youinterpolate the 115-foot contour?1.15 ft2.50 ft3.75 ft4.115 ft7-45.When drawing contour lines by usingcontrol points, what must you do tolocate contour lines?1.Scale2.Interpolate3.Average4.Randomize7-46.An area on a topographic map wherecontour lines are evenly spaced andwide apart represents a1.valley2.gentle, uniform slope3.steep, uniform slope4.ridge7-47.In what direction does the curve ofa contour line cross a stream?1.Upstream2.Westward3.Downstream4.Eastward7-48.Contour lines represent what inrelation to the earth’s surface?1.Horizontal planes2.Vertical planes3.Grid lines4.Different points of elevation7-49.A panoramic sketch shows theterrain in what manner?1.In contour lines2.In elevation3.In perspective4.Both 2 and 3 aboveLearning Objective: Recognizeappropriate scale for topographicmaps; identify correct design andplacement of topographicspecifications.7-50.Which of the following scalesrepresent a large-scale topographicmap?1.1 in. =50 ft2.1 in. =120 ft3.1 in. =500 ft4.1 in. = 1,000 ft7-51.Which of the following contourintervals should you use to preparean intermediate-scale map of ahill?1.1 ft2.2 ft3.10 ft4.20 ft7-52.Which of the following operationsis NOT one of the basic operationsfor construction of a topographicmap?1.Plotting horizontal control2.Plotting details and groundpoints3.Determining slope distances4.Drawing contour lines7-53.What lines are drawn before theactual contour lines are plotted ona topographic map?1.Spur and ridge lines2.Vertical control and spur lines3.Spur and valley lines4.Ridge and valley lines7-54.For clarity on small-scale maps,how should buildings and otherfeatures be shown?1.To scale2.Larger than scale and true toshape3.Larger than scale and bysymbols4.By location in the notes50
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