11-10.The laser light beam consistsof what number of color(s) ofthe color spectrum?1.One2.Two3.Three4.Four11-11.The single-beam laser does NOTemit a visible light beam andcannot be used for alignment.1.True2.False11-12.A rotating laser level is self-leveling within what range?1.20 seconds2.8 degrees3.16 degrees4.90 degrees11-13.Which of the following advantagesapplies when using a laser plane?1.Requires less time to take thesame number of rod readings2.Does not require aninstrumentman for shootinga line3.Uses a laser beam insteadof a string line4.Each of the aboveLearning Objective: Recognizethe procedures used to performvarious soils tests and identifythe apparatus and equipment usedfor each procedure.11-14.Compaction improves which ofthe following soil properties?1.Strength2.Flexibility3.Moisture content4.Cohesiveness11-15.As the moisture content isincreased, the density willalso continue to increase.1.True2.False11-16.What effect does an increasedcompactive effort have on thedensity and OMC?1.Increases both the OMCand the density2.Increases the densityand decreases the OMC3.Increases the OMC anddecreases the density4.Decreases both the OMCand the density11-17.What is the volume of theProctor mold?1. 1cubic foot2.1/3 cubic foot3. 3cubic foot4.1/30 cubic feet11-16.The compaction tamper has adrop of what distance?1.10 inches2.14 inches3.18 inches4.24 inches11-19.When you prepare your samples forthe compaction test, the moisturecontent of each sample isincreased by what increment?1. 1%2. 2%3.1 1/2%4.2 1/2%11-20.The objective of the compactiontest is to determine what factor?1.The OMC2.The maximum density3.The compactive effort required4.The soil weight75
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