Learning Objective: Recognizeterms associated with verticalcurves; identify types andelements of vertical curves.10-57.What is a vertical curve at thebottom of a hill?1.Summit curve2.Oververtical curve3.Sag curve4.Compound curve10-58.A constant slope between curvesis known by what term?1.Grade2.Grade tangents3.Gradient4.Each of the above10-59.Vertical curves are usuallywhat shape?1.Parabolic2.Circular3.Elliptical4.Hyperbolic10-60.In a vertical curve system, thepoint of vertical tangency islocated at what point?1.Where the curve begins2.Where the curve ends3.Where the grade tangentsintersect4.At any point on the tangent10-61.Vertical curves are used atlocations other than the topor bottom of a hill.Learning Objective: Recognizeand use the fundamental principlesof symmetrical and unsymmetricalcurve computation; recognize basicprocedures associated with check-ing computation by plotting, usinga profile work sheet, and making afield stakeout of vertical curves.10-62.What factor makes a curvesymmetrical?1.g1 equals g22.11 equals 123.Both 2 and 3 above4.G equals zero10-63.Usually , the PVC and PVT aredesigned to be set at whatlocation along the survey?1.At full stations or halfstations2.At 25-foot intervals3.Points on the same parabola4.Any of the above10-64.Given a PVC elevation of 100 ft, afirst slope of +4%, a second slopeof +2%, and L = 400 ft. On asymmetrical curve, what is theelevation of the PVT?1.107 ft2.112 ft3.116 ft4.120 ft10-65.Given a PVC elevation of 100 ft, afirst slope of+ 4%, a second slopeof +2%, and L = 400 ft. What isthe value of the middle verticaloffset?1.True2.False1.-0.5 ft2.-1.0 ft3.-1.5 ft4.-2.0 ft72
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