11-21.During construction, what check isperformed to test the compactiveeffort?1.Moisture test2.CBR test3.Soil compaction test4.Density test11-22.When determining in-place density,which of the following methodsshould you use?1.Penetration method2.Load-bearing method3.Nuclear moisture-densitymeter method4.Hydrometer method11-23.Before you perform the sand-displacement method for in-placedensity, certain calibration mustbe performed. Which of thefollowing calibration must becompleted?1.Determine the jar volume2.Determine the sand density3.Determine the volume of thecone, template, and surfaceirregularities4.Each of the above11-24.What is the depth of the hole forthe sand-displacement method?1.5 inches2.6 inches3.3 inches4.4 inches11-25.A soil-sample container mustbe kept closed to prevent whatproblem?1.Absorption of moisture2.Sample loss3.Moisture loss11-26.What method is recommended todetermine the moisture contentof a sample?11-27.The nuclear moisture-densitymeter determines the moisturein the soil by what method?1.Measures the hydrogenconcentration in the soil2.Counts the gamma rays emitted3.Measures the moistureevaporated by radiation4.Measures oxygen in the soil11-28.Before operating the nuclearmoisture-density meter, you mustreceive specialized training andobtain certification.1.True2.False11-29.The California bearing ratiotest is what type of test?1.Density2.Load bearing3.Moisture4.Soil analysis11-30.Procedures for sample preparationfor the CBR test are found in whatpublication?1.MIL-STD-621A2.NAVFAC MO-3303.ASTM D 4224.NAVFAC P-43711-31.Which of the following toolsare part of the loading-pressassembly?1.CBR mold2.Tripod attachment3.Surcharge weight4.Soaking tank11-32.How many successive tests areperformed for the CBR test?1.Five2.Two3.Three4.Four1.The alcohol burn-off method2.The Speedy moisture testermethod3.The oven-dried method4.The air-dried method76
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