ASSIGNMENT 11Textbook Assignment: “Electronic Surveying Equipment.” Page6 12-1 through 12-8. “MaterialTesting.” Pages 13-1 through 13-28.Learning Objective: Display abasic familiarity with theelectronic distance measurement(EDM) system by identifyingrelated processes and devices.11-1.In the EDM system, a lineardistance can be computed bymultiplying the time it takes aflash of light to travel a givendistance by the velocity of thelight.1.True2.False11-2.Electronic distance meters operateusing which of the followingmethods?1.Microwaves2.Light Waves3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Refracted light11-3.Which of the following instrumentsoriginates and transmits thesignal?1.Sending2.Remote3.Receiver4.Geodimeter11-4.What advantage, if any, does theelectromagnetic instrument haveover the electro-opticalinstrument?1.Electromagnetic EDMs do notrequire an unobstructed line2.Electromagnetic EDMs can beused in fog or inclementweather3.Electromagnetic EDMs requireonly one instrument4.None11-5.What instrument, if any, isused with an EDM to measure1.2.3.4.the direction of the line?A theodoliteA transitA direct reading levelNone11-6.You have used separate setups formeasuring the vertical angle andthe distance. Besides the h.i.of the instruments, which of thefollowing data is required toreduce the slope distance?1.The temperature2.The target h.i. only3.The reflector h.i.4.Both 2 and 3 above11-7.Which of the following positioningsystems utilizes satellites?1.Initial positioning system2.Electronic positioning system3.Doppler positioning system4.Each of the above11-8.Which, if any, of the followinggroups contain data storage units?1.Computerized theodoliteand EDM2.Combined theodolite andEDM3.Electronic tachometers4.None of the above11-9.What equipment is available tothe NMCB as augment equipment forhigh-order precision surveying?1.Computerized theodolite2.Combined theodolite and EDM3.Doppler system4.Electronic tachometers74
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