Figure 1-51.—Example of a welding symbol in use.Figure 1-52.—Pins for structural steel connections.pins. (See fig. 1-52.)Threaded pins are held in placeafter insertion by threaded recessed nuts on both endsof the pin. Cotter pinsare held in place by small cottersthat pass through holes drilled in the pins. Washers andseparators, made from lengths of steel pipe, are used tospace members longitudinally on pins. Holes for smallpins are drilled; larger pinholes are bored.RivetsRivets are manufactured of soft steel in variousnominal sizes and lengths. The sizes most often used instructural work are 3/4 inch and 7/8 inch in diameter.The lengths differ according to the thickness ofmaterials to be connected. Rivets are inserted in the rivetFigure 1-53.—Structural rivets.holes while the rivet is red hot; consequently, the holesare drilled or punched 1/16 inch larger in diameter thanthe nominal diameter of the cold rivet.Rivets are manufactured with one whole headalready fixed. The rivet shank is cylindrical and thesecond head is formed by driving it with a pneumatichammer. The rivet set, which is inserted in the end of thehammer, has a cavity of the proper shape to form thehead of the rivet. Most Structural rivets are two full heads(fig. 1-53). Manufactured heads of rivets may also beobtained in countersunk shape to fit into holescountersunk in the material to be connected. When adriven countersunk head is to be formed, the rivet isdriven with a flat-ended rivet set to fill the countersunkcavity in the material.QUESTIONSThe following questions are strictly for your use indetermining how well you understand the topicsdiscussed in this chapter AND IN THE REFERENCESSPECIFICALLY CITED IN THIS CHAPTER. Theintent of these questions is to help you learn the topicscontained in the chapter and in the references.Remember, when you participate in the advancementexamination for EA2, you may be asked questions thatare drawn not only from this TRAMAN, but from thecited references as well. Therefore, it is to your benefitto answer the review questions. You do NOT have tosubmit your answers to these review questions toanyone for grading. Similar review questions will beincluded at the end of each chapter of this TRAMAN.After answering the questions, you may turn to appendixVI of this book to see how well you performed.1-27
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