ASSIGNMENT 1Textbook Assignment: “Engineering Organization,” chapter 1, all.1-1.What officer has the responsibilityto organize the officers and crewof a ship?1.The type commander (TYCOM)2.The squadron commander3.the commanding officer4.the executive officer1-2.What officer has the responsibilityto assign individuals to battlestations?1.The commanding officer2.The executive officer3.The department head4.The division officerFigure 1AIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-3 THROUGH 1-10,CHOOSE THE ORGANIZATIONAL TERM IN FIGURE1A THAT IS DEFINED IN THE QUESTION.1-3.The basis for the organization ofcombat ships.1. A2 . C3. D4. E1-4.A task that must be completed bythe engineer officer assigned to anewly commissioned ship.1. B2. C3. G4. J1-5.1-6.1-7.1-8.1-9.A clear path of delegatedauthority.1. A2. B3. F4. HThe concise relationship betweenand among the individuals in anorganization.1. A2. B3. D4. HThe basic relationship between thecomponents of an organization.1. A2. B3. G4. HThe means through which anengineering department maintainsi t s e f f e c t i v e n e s s .1.A, B, D, F2.B, D, F, J3.D, G, H, I4.F, H, I, JThe requirements that any personreceives orders from only oneperson, one person controls onesegment of the organization, andall persons know to whom they areresponsible.1. C2. F3. H4. J1
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