1-10.1-11.1-12.The degree of complexity andresponsibility in an organization,the number of persons supervised,and the way the supervisor shoulduse time.1. C2. E3. F4. IThe engineer officer is directlyresponsible to which of thefollowing officers for all mattersconcerning the engineeringdepartment?1.The TYCOM2.The commanding officer3.The executive officer4.The OODWhen a division officer wants todisable equipment that willadversely affect the ship’smission, the action must beapproved by the engineer officerand what other officer(s)?1.The executive officer2.The EOOW and the executiveo f f i c e r3.The commanding officer and theTYCOM only4.The commanding officer and theTYCOM or the fleet commanderIn answering questions 1-13 through@ 1-15, assume the engineer officer isabout to be detached and his replacementhas reported on board the ship.1-13.What officers must jointly sign theengineering department’s materialand records? departing engineer officerand the engineering divisiono f f i c e r sThe commanding officer and thearriving engineer officerThe main propulsion assistantand the departing engineero f f i c e rThe departing engineer officerand the arriving engineero f f i c e r1-14.1-15.What officer determines the actualcondition of the engineeringdepartment and fixes responsibilityfor any deficiencies?1.The arriving engineer officer2 . T h e e x e c u t i v e o f f i c e r3.The commanding officer4.The departing engineer officerWhat officer prepares surveys onmissing equipment?1.The main propulsion assistant(MPA)2.T h e d e p a r t i n g e n g i n e e r o f f i c e r3.The arriving engineer officer4.The executive officerFigure 1BIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-16 THROUGH 1-22,CHOOSE FROM FIGURE lB THE OFFICER THAT HASTHE RESPONSIBILITY DESCRIBED IN THEQUESTION.1-16.Directly responsible for theoperation, care and maintenance ofthe ship’s propulsion machinery.1. A2 . B3. D4. H1-17.Directly responsible for thepreparation, submission, anddisposition of the Engineering Logand Engineer’s Bell Book.1. A2. C3. E4. H2
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