1-39.Manufactures a replacement for apump shaft.1. B2. C3. G4. H1-40.Repairs a defective refrigerationsystem.1. C2. F3. H4. I1-41.What is the primary objective ofthe ship’s watch organization?1.To maintain accountability ofpersonnel2.To ensure the ship’s security3.To get the ship underway4.To maintain control andd i s c i p l i ne1-42.What condition watches require someor all armament to be ready forimmediate use?1.I, II, III, IV, and V2.I, IE, II, and III3.II, III, IV, and V4.I, IE, IV, and V1-43.In most ships, the engineeringdepartment operates under the samerequirements in what conditionwatches?1.I and II2.II and III3.III and IV4.IV and V1-44.To ensure a smooth transition amongwatches III, IV, and V, each watchis divided into how many sections?1 . O ne2. Two3. Three4. Four1-45.Which of the following is NOT arequirement for condition V?1.Secure the engineering plant2.Do not man weapons batteries3.Set condition YOKE4.Man the CIC1-46.The fifth general degree ofreadiness is also known as1.wartime cruising2.peacetime cruising3.general quarters4.emergency response1-47.A ship in port during peacetimewith no need for armament is inwhat condition of readiness?1. I2. II3. IV4. VFigure 1EIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-48 THROUGH 1-52,CHOOSE THE OFFICER FROM FIGURE lE WHO HASTHE WATCH RESPONSIBILITIES DESCRIBED INTHE QUESTION.Questions 1-48 through 1-55 refer toat-sea watches.1-48.For safe navigation and generaloperation of the ship, the OODreports to what officer?1. A2. B3. D4. J5
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