1-29.A division officer does NOT havewhich of the followingr e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s?1.Direct the operation of thed i v i s i on2.Punish for minor offenseswithout court martial3.Recommend personnel foradvancement4.Establish and maintain divisionorganization manuals1-30.What officer(s) must approvetransfer of enlisted personnelbetween departments? commanding officerThe executive officerThe concerned department headsThe concerned division headstechnical and materialassistant does NOT have which ofthe following responsibilities?1.Review maintenance documents2.Ensure proper maintenance ofequipment and systems3.Submit supply status reports tothe commanding officer4.Review accuracy of allcompleted maintenance datacollection systems (MDCS)documents1-32.The engineer officer assignspersonnel to divisions on whatbasis?1.Training2.Performance3.Ship’s personnel assignmentb i l l4.S e n i o r i ty1-33.What is the primary tool for Navyenlisted classification (NEC)coding?1.NAVMEDINST 23002-A2.NAVPERS 18068-F3.NAVPERSMILSPEC 69701-B4.BUMEDINST 64701Figure 1DIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-34 THROUGH 1-40,CHOOSE THE RATING(S) FROM FIGURE lD WHOSEDUTIES ARE DESCRIBED IN THE QUESTION.1-34.Ensures that fuel and water used inthe propulsion plant meets p e c i f i c a t i o n s.1. A2. E3. G4. J1-35.Operates diesel engines on atugboat.1. E2. G3. H4. I1-36.Ensures that the ship’s telephonesystems are in good working order.1. D2. E3. F4. I1-37.Most often train other personnel inCBR defense.1.A and E2.B and C3.G and H4.Hand I1-38.Stands cold iron and fire watches.1. A2. C3. E4. J4
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