1-49.1-50.1-51.The ship’s material condition ofreadiness and the operation of thevarious hull systems are the directresponsibility of what officer?1. B2. C3. F4. IOn matters of watertight integrity,stability. trim, and otherconditions that affect the safetyof the ship, the damage controlwatch officer reports to whato f f i c e r ?1. A2. B3. C4. GThe decision as to whether ano f f i c e r o r s e n i o r p e t t y o f f i c e r isqualified for EOOW is made by whato f f i c e r?1. A2. B3. C4. E1-52.The safe arid efficient performanceof the engineering departmentwatches (except damage control) isthe direct responsibility of whato f f i c e r?1. C2. E3. H4. I1-53.When a ship does not have enoughofficers to man all positions, whatranks and/or rates may serve asEOOW?1.Officers LTJG and above only2.Officers LTJG and above andmaster chief petty officersonly3.All officers and master chiefpetty officers only4.All officers and all chiefp e t t y o f f i c e rs1-54.The structure of the engineeringwatch organization aboard ship isdetermined by which of thefollowing conditions?1.The type of ship2.The number of engineeringpersonnel3.The type and configuration ofengineering machinery4.The qualifications ofengineering personnel1-55.You can find the engineering watchorganization and instructions inwhat document?1.The functional guide2.The watch coordinator’s guide3.The engineering departmentorganization and regulationsmanual4.The structural organizationchartQuestions 1-56 through 1-66 refer toin port watches.In answering questions 1-56 through1-59, choose the officer from figurelE who has the watch responsibilitiesdescribed in the question.1-56.What officer will sometimes assumethe duties of the EOOW in port?1. F2. G3. I4. J1-57.What officer is assigned as deputyto the executive officer to carryout the routine duties of a ship inport?1. F2. G3. H4. J6
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