5-45.Conducts QA audits and follows upon corrective action .1. A2. B3. C4. D5-46.Interviews, trains, and administerswritten examinations for QApersonnel.1. C2. D3. E4. F5-47.Makes sure division personnel arequalified in QA.1. C2. D3. E4. F5-48.Inspects and issues controlledmaterial in the work center.1. E2. F3. G4. H5-49.Ensures that work is inspected inprogress and upon completion.1. E2. F3. G4. H5-50.Witnesses and documents all testsof level I systems.1. C2. D3. E4. F5-51.Uses knowledge of shop supervisorsto ensure QA guidelines arefollowed.1. E2.F3. G4. H5-52.Uses a personnel serial number onall forms and tags that certifytests and inspections.1. C2. E3. F4. G5-53.Coordinates the ship’s QA trainingprogram,1. A2. C3. E4. F5-54.Administers written examinations toprospective SQCIs.1. B2. C3. E4. FFigure 5EIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 5-55 THROUGH 5-62,SELECT THE TERM FROM FIGURE 5E THAT ISDEFINED IN THE QUESTION.5-55.5-56.A tool for improvement used toevaluate practices, plans,policies, products, records, andrelated documentation.1. A2. B3. D4. EA collection of quality control(QC) requirements and proceduresused to ensure a quality product.1. A2. B3. D4. E38
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