CHAPTER 3TRAININGWhen you have read and understood this chapter, you should be able to answer thefollowing learning objectives:. Describe the organization and processes of fleet. Describe the organization and processes oftraining.shipboard training.The purpose of Navy training is to produce acombat-ready Navy that can guarantee victory at sea.Navy training consists of fleet and shipboard training.The Type Commander's Readiness and TrainingManual/Instructions contains general policies for fleettraining. This chapter deals with both types of training,especially as they concern the ship’s engineeringdepartment.FLEET TRAININGThe Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) isresponsible for fleet training. He delegates control andsupervision to the commanders in chief of the Atlanlicand Pacific Fleets. They, in turn, exercise responsibilitythrough their type commanders. Each fleet has acommander of the training command. He providesprograms such as shakedown and refresher trainingwhen directed by the type commander. These programsinclude battle readiness, common purpose, and uniformstandards at all levels of the organization. See figure 3-1.The training cycle for each ship covers the periodbetween regularly scheduled shipyard overhauls. Thefollowing events are scheduled during that time:lllInspections and trials are held and used fortraining.The intratype competitive period, or trainingcompetition among common types of ships, isscheduled for either 12 or 18 months, dependingon need.Fleet operating schedules are issued on both aquarterly and annual basis and govern planningfor maintenance and related training.TYPE TRAINING EXERCISESType commanders prescribe training exerciseduring the intratype competitive period. The tacticalcommander of ships in a task force requires that shipsperform those exercises either separately or with otherships.Type commanders are responsible to the fleetcommander for the administration and control of thetraining programs of ships in their administrativecommands. They have the following duties: the exercises and set minimumrequirements.Select exercises to meet specific trainingrequirements.Reallocate ammunition allotted by the fleetcommander.Divide ships into competitive groups.Provide qualified observers for certainexercises.Appraise the performance of each ship.Figure 3-1.-A fleet type training organization.3-1
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