operating instructions, to stand by eachengineering space.4. Have keys available to let FTG personnel intolocked spaces.FTG personnel assigned to the engineering anddamage control departments will conduct theinspections and evaluations of those departments. Aspart of that process, they will board the ship on a firstday’s ride, and additional rides as may be practical.During these rides, they will conduct and observe drillsand instruct personnel in correct procedures forengineering and damage control.When the TRE is complete, the FTG team will givethe commanding officer a critique and a written reportof discrepancies. They will send a formal report to theCommander, Training Command, and a copy to the typecommander. Those deficiencies that affect the refreshertraining should be corrected as soon as possible.SHIPBOARD TRAININGThe objective of the shipboard training program isto develop individual skills. It should prepare eachperson to fill his billet aboard ship, to accept moreresponsibility, and to advance in rating. Individualtraining is the basis for team training, which is the basisfor training an entire ship.The shipboard training program must consider theship’s organizational framework and operatingschedules if it is to meet training needs. Personnel mustbe trained within their shipboard roles so that analysisof training can include the following: of team or group and individualperformanceComparison of performance with standardcriteriaRecognition of methods for improvementAttention to training potential and theelimination of training paper workORGANIZATION FOR SHIPBOARDTRAININGThe policies and plans of higher authority, mostlythose of the type commander, govern the shipboardtraining organization. The commanding officer headsthe organization (fig. 3-2), and the executive officersupervises it. Those in the organization plan, coordinate,and conduct drills, classes, and other instruction toFigure 3-2.-Shipboard organization for training.increase the general and specialized professionalknowledge of personnel.Training methods will vary from ship to shipdepending on size, design, and personnel. Officers whoknow the existing training and maintenance conditionsshould plan training time to take advantage ofmaintenance requirements where possible.In the following pages, we’ll explain the roles of theplanning board for training and of these key trainingpersonnel: the educational services officer (ESO), theengineering training officer, the division trainingofficer, and the instructors.Planning Board for TrainingThe ship’s planning board for training is usuallycomposed of the executive officer as chairperson, theheads of departments, the training officer, and the ESO.The board advises the commanding officer and helpshim develop training policies, establishes the ship’straining program, and evaluates the program byreviewing its training schedules.3-3
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