placed in service, (2) within 30 days after completion ofregular overhaul, and (3) whenever a change in militarycharacteristics (including any change in weaponsinstallations) is made. The engineer officer must makecertain that the current revision of the ShipCharacteristics Card is used to submit the report. Whenfilled in, the Ship Characteristics Card is classifiedConfidential.MAIN PROPULSION TURBINECONDITION REPORTThe Main Propulsion Turbine Condition Report is aletter report of the condition of each propulsion turbineand is submitted to NAVSEASYSCOM via the typecommander 3 months before each regular overhaul. Thereport includes data and information on the turbinesaccording to NAVSEASYSCOM requirementspertaining to main propelling machinery. The reportincludes recommendations by the commanding officerand type commander that the turbine should or shouldnot be disassembled for inspection and overhaul duringthe regular period.When the type commander’s endorsement on aturbine condition report recommends disassembly ofthe turbine casing, NAVSEASYSCOM reviews andnormally approves the recommendation. However, thetype commander may ask for additional information oralternate or additional tests and inspections before heapproves disassembly of the casing. When the turbinereport shows the condition of the turbine is satisfactoryand no urgent alterations are necessary,NAVSEASYSCOM does not answer the report. Anyanswer from NAVSEASYSCOM that approvesdisassembly or asks for additional tests or inspectionswill be directed to the type commander with copies tothe reporting ship, the overhaul activity, and any otheractivities concerned. The activity (usually the typecommander) controlling theoverhaul funds of the ship,disassembling the casing.SITUATION REPORTSoperating schedule andhas final authority forSituation Reports are one-time reports requiredwhen certain situations arise. Figure 2-19 is a summaryof one-time reports (not previously described)pertaining to the engineering department. The situationsthat call for the reports listed in the summary areexplained in the references given.GAS TURBINE SERVICE RECORDSThe gas turbine propulsion plants recentlyintroduced to the fleet are unique in that service andmaintenance records are kept in a way similar to aircraftpropulsion plants. NSTM, chapter 9416 (0234), gives adescription of these service records and full instructionsfor maintaining them.2-33
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