The planning board meets regularly to evaluate
progress, coordinate action, propose changes to improve
current training, and prepare for future requirements.
They draw information from the personal knowledge of
the members, reports of the ESO, and various control
devices. This approach often can identify training
problems and fix responsibility on personnel,
conditions, or conflicting requirements. The planning
board should regularly examine the following
conditions for their effect on training:
Changes in the ships operations
The installation of new or improved equipment
Changes in qualifications for advancement in
Changes in personnel assignments
Changes in regulations or procedures under
which the ship operates
The completion of any phase of the training
An increase or decrease in training facilities or
availability of training establishments
Educational Service Officer
The ESO helps the executive officer administer the
ships training, information, and education programs, In
large ships, an officer may hold the ESO job as a primary
duty. In smaller ships, the executive officer acts as the
ESO or assigns the job to another officer as a collateral
duty. The ESO works with department and division
training officers to conduct the overall training program
and special training programs. The ESO has the
following duties:
Supervise the administration and operation of the
ships training aids.
Serve as a member of the ships planning board
for training.
Maintain contact with fleet and material
command or bureau controlled training
activities, and advise the planning board for
training and other ships personnel of the use of
such facilities for training
Secure quotas as recommended by heads of
departments, for personnel attending fleet or
functional schools.
Assist examining boards by providing material
and personnel as requested.
Schedule orientation and indoctrination courses
for officer and enlisted personnel.
Direct the educational services program,
including interviewing and counseling
personnel; processing applications for officer,
enlisted, and correspondence courses;
administering special and end-of-course tests;
and helping personnel get high school, college,
business, and military education credits.
Process applications and conduct necessary
interviews and tests for limited duty officer,
Naval Academy Preparatory School, Officer
Candidate School, and Naval Reserve Officers
Training Corps.
Prepare, maintain, and submit required training
records and reports.
Engineering Training Officer
The engineer officer appoints the engineering
training officer. He usually assigns the job to one of his
assistant engineer officers as a collateral duty. The
engineering training officer has the following duties:
Help the engineer officer develop a department
training program in support of the training
objectives of the ship.
Help the engineer officer develop a training
program to provide qualified reliefs for key
Implement approved training plans and policies
within the engineering department.
Coordinate and help administer division training
programs within the engineering department.
This duty includes supervising the preparation of
training materials; reviewing curriculum,
courses, and lesson plans; helping to select and
train instructors; holding periodic evaluation of
instruction given at drills, during watch, on
station, and in the classroom; and procuring
training aids and devices through the ESO.
Prepare, maintain, and submit training records
for the engineering department.
Initiate requests for training supplies and
materials for the engineering department.