NAVSEC 6260 (Provisioning, Allowance,Outfitting and Miscellaneous MaterialSupport Division)NAVSEC 6260 directs the review and analysis ofengineering trends and problem areas identified byCASREPS. This data helps ensure that shipboardallowance lists support material readiness of the fleet.NAVSEA 07 (Industry and FacilityManagement)NAVSEA 07 coordinates any action that should betaken to relate CASREPs to shore activities.SUPSALV (Supervisor of Salvage)SUPSALV coordinates NAVSEA CASREP actionon collisions, strandings, sinkings, fires at sea, salvage,port/channel blockages, missing and sunkensubmarines, and natural disasters. SUPSALV mustapprove all NAVSEA actions on CASREPS if theyaffect salvage operations.SNEP(PMS 301) (Ship Acquisition Project)The SNEPs carry out the following functions for allNAVSEA activities except those involving nuclearreactors, which will be discussed later in this chaptcr:. Serve as the focus point for CASREP action onnew construction and conversion ships and craft that arewithin their guarantee periods. Review and approve alloutgoing CASREP messages for those purposes.l Direct technical, procurement, or productionmanagers to provide information or take the appropriateaction required by a CASREP message.Ship Maintenance Managers(Maintenance-Type Desks)Ship maintenance managers are responsible for thefollowing NAVSEA functions except for thoseinvolving nuclear reactors, which will be discussed laterin this chapter:l Serve as a focal point for CASREP action onships in the active fleet.. Direct the appropriate technical, procurerment, orproduction managers to provide information or takeappropriate action as required by the nature of aCASREP message.. Review and approve all outgoing CASREPmessages for actions concerning active fleet ships forwhich they have responsibility.DETECTION, ACTION, ANDRESPONSE TECHNIQUE (DART)PROGRAMThe DART program grew out of a need to improvethe way the Navy focuses attention and resources forthe best material readiness. CNM assigned the task toNAVSEASYSCOM, which developed the DARTprogram. It was promulgated in 1971 byNAVMATINST 4790.10. It establishes procedures andassigns responsibilities within the Naval MaterialCommand to identify and correct the most seriousshipboard equipment problems. It includes the analysisof information and identification of the problemconcerning a particular type of equipment or system,proposed solutions, and the necessary resources infunds and manpower to carry out the program.The DART program includes all shipboardequipment except that under the Strategic SystemsProject Office (SSPO) and NAVSHIPS Code 08, andaviation equipment under NAVAIR. However, aviationequipment is included if it is an integrated part of theship.The equipment under the DART program isrestricted to the fleet’s most serious problems to helpconcentrate the management and resources at the placesthey are most needed. As problem equipment isidentified and remedial programs are developed andfunded, other problem equipment is nominated forDART management in a continuing process. The DARTprogram does not supersede or cancel any existinginstructions or procedures that provide logistic supportto the fleet, or respond to fleet equipment and supportproblems.DART used existing reporting systems and data sothe program could get started immediately and avoidthe need for a new data collection system. The principaldata source is the opcrating forces. The data comes fromCASREPs and the 3-M systems’ MDCS.DART PROCEDURES AND REPORTFORMATSThe DART process passes through the followingphases: problem identification, verification andapproval, scoping, progressing, and evaluation. We’llexplain each of them in the following paragraphs.7-7
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