defined in terms of measurable parameters such as
enough improvement to offset the cost. When that
failure rate, time to repair, material condition index
happens, the SYSCOM or PM should recommend to
(MCI), costs, and support delay time. (The MCI is a
CNM via the DPD that the equipment be deleted from
computerized index that considers the number and
the DART program. This kind of recommendation must
severity of casualties reported within a given period of
include justification.
time, and averages the time needed to correct the
The scoping phase must include a realistic course of
casualty.) Use all available sources of information to
define the problem. If fleet data is not adequate, call in
action that includes resources in finds and manpower to
observers who are technically qualified rather than
implement the improvement program. Most solutions
impose special data collection systems on the fleet. The
will be a combination of changes in design and
hardware, personnel allowances and training, technical
priority of the DART program justifies these actions to
save time and provide complete, factual, and
publications, maintenance or operating policies and
comprehensive data.
procedures, and funding.
Sometimes, the scoping phase will show that you
The SYSCOM or PM will submit a description of
need more resources than you can justify to fix a
the improvement program to the DPD in the following
particular kind of equipment problem. As an example,
three plans:
the most common situation occurs when there is not
1. An implementation plan (see fig. 7-3)
Figure 7-3.-DART implementation plan.