Figure 7-5A.-Funding plan (DART).FUNDINGPLAN(DART)PURPOSE: To identify finds required vis-a-vis funds available (allocated in current FY, budgeted in next FY, and programmed inout-years) for each improvement program task or subelernent outlined in the corrective action program.PROGRAM ELEMENT: List each task or subelement of the corrective action program identified to like funding (OPN, O&MN,RDT&E). This lit should closely follow the milestone plan in that all major milestone events represent program tasks. Typical programelements include procurement of spare parts (OPN), procurement of SHIPALT material (OPN), accomplishment of SHIPALTs underFMP (OPN), test of prototypes (RDT&E), improvement of documentation (O&MN), equipment refit programs (O&MN), installationof D alts (O&MN, Fleet), contractor engineering support (OPN), in-house engineering support (O&MN), and so forth.TYPE OF FUNDS: Normally OPN, O&MN, and RDT&E.ACTIVITY: Activity responsible for budget submission and execution.DEFICIT: Represents difference between funds required and funds allocated, budgeted, or programmed. For the executin FY, thereshould be zero deficit after midyear review unless funds are expected at rollback time. For the budget FY, the deficit represents additionatfunds required beyond those currently in the DOD budget submitted to Congress. After apportionment time, this deficit should reduceto zero unless a decision is made to defer funding until midyear review. For the out-years, the deficit represents the difference betweenthe POM submit and current requirements. This deficit should be zero if the improvement program is defined before the POM submit.Figure 7-5B.-Funding plan (DART) (explanation for using chart).in enough copies to meet the DPD’s distributionrequirements:1. Implementation plan: An update or revision ofthe report shown in figure 7-3, originally submitted inthe scoping phase.2. Major milestone plan: An update or revision ofthe report shown in figure 7-4, originally submitted inthe scoping phase. If more than one major milestoneplan was submitted in the scoping phase, the SYSCOMor PM may elect to submit a composite of those, or toupdate each plan.3. Milestone plan: An expansion of the majormilestones for the current fiscal year (see fig. 7-6, viewsA and B). The milestone plan is first submitted as partof the first quarterly report, then updated quarterlythereafter. As noted in paragraph 3, if more than one7-12
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