Figure 7-6A.-Equipment improvement program, milestones.CURRENT YEAR MILESTONESINSTRUCTIONSThis chart will be used during the progressing phase to show PLANNED and ACTUAL progress towardestablished milestones for a single CURRENT fiscal year. The chart will reflect an expansion of the keymilestones contained on the MAJOR MILESTONE chart for the budget execution year. The milestones will belisted on the left side of this chart, starting with significant milestones upon which the CURRENT plan is basedand finishing with the final significant milestone denoting PLANNED accomplishment of the project for thefiscal year indicated at the bottom of the chart. After the significant milestones have been indicated, plot pointsrelated to the existing milestones should be placed in the time frame area of the chart. These plots will beconnected by lines labeled as follows:The form being used is available in SYSCOM Management Information Center (MIC).Figure 7-6B.-Equipment improvement program, milestones (instructions for using chart).7-13
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