and to keep all personnel informed of training plans andoperating schedules. It should contain enoughinformation to be sure training coordination andplanning will be effective. It should provide theframework for the preparation of the quarterly andmonthly training plans.Prepare the Long-Range Training Plan on OPNAVForm 3120-1A to cover the competitive training cycle.The main considerations are listed in the nextparagraphs:. Training during overhauls. For most ships, theoverhaul period is an opportunity to send personnel toschools. However, shipyard overhaul periods arecharacterized by heavy workloads of repairs, tests, firewatches, and supervision of shipyard work. During thattime, personnel also must pursue on-the-job training,in-port fire drills, self-study courses, and drills byratings.. Training during leave/upkeep periods followingdeployment. Training during this period is usuallylimited to formal school attendance and on-boarddamage control and security drills.. Coordinating training and maintenance.Generally speaking, the available work hours must beallotted according to requirements for maintenance andtraining. Show the plans to complete major maintenancetasks.Prepare the Long-Range Training Plan (fig. 3-5) asfollows to include the previous list of considerations:llllSchedule fleet exercises, trials, inspections, andother major evolutions required by typecommanders.Schedule all required exercises in kind andfrequency required by the type commander tomaintain condition I readiness.Schedule other applicable unit exercises.Schedule all unit training (for example,chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR)lectures, counterinsurgency, security orientationand training, boat crew training, telephonetalker/lookout training, and general militarytraining).Quarterly Training PlanThe Quarterly Training Plan is an integral part ofthe Long-Range Training Plan (fig. 3-5). It consists ofone sheet of the Long-Range Training Plan, up-dated toshow the latest information on unit employment. Itshows the training intentions for a given quarter in greatdetail. An easy way to prepare the Quarterly TrainingPlan is to fill in the details of that quarter of theLong-Range Training Plan.Monthly Training PlanThe Monthly Training Plan (fig. 3-6) lays out a dailyschedule of training, evolutions, and operations for agiven month. The training board should prepare thisplan showing all unit training, evolutions, andoperations scheduled in the Quarterly Training Plan forthat month.Frequently the information contained in thequarterly and monthly training plans is classified andshould be guarded accordingly. Do not disclose Secretor higher information in either plan. If the highestclassification of the operational information isConfidential, you should be ableinformed without violating security.Division Training ScheduleEach division officer shouldto keep the crewkeep a DivisionTraining Schedule (fig. 3-7) that contains a record of alloperational drills, team training periods, and instructionperiods. This schedule also may be used to reserveperiodsforsuperviseds e l f - s t u d y ofadvancement-in-rate training or correspondencecourses.The Division Training Schedule may be kept onboth sides of the form, each sheet of which can cover aperiod of 1 full year. Because of limited space,abbreviate or code entries on the front side. On the backside, enter information, instructions, or remarks thatexplain the data recorded on the front side. Also use theback side to list the drills, exercises, and instructionperiods for the division. Use abbreviations and serialnumbers to create short drill numbers that may be usedon the quarterly and monthly schedules. Two examplesare SM7 (flashing light drill) and RD10 (radar trackingdrill).In drafting the Division Training Schedule, be sureyou include any higher authority’s general trainingrequirements. For example, the TYCOM requiredtraining record (fig. 3-8) summarizes the schedule andcompletion of required exercises, drills, andinspections. You must also include the generalorientation, indoctrination, and qualificationrequirements for your division personnel. If there areseveral ratings or groups in a division and they usually3-19
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