schedule for an ROH for a given ship varies between 2and 5 years according to an established cycle. Anoverhaul can take as little as 2 months for small shipsand as much as 18 months for larger ships. ROHplanning begins about 18 months before the scheduledoverhaul.. A voyage repair availability is used for repairswhile the ship is underway. These are emergency repairsthat are necessary if the ship is to continue on its mission,and they can be done without changing the ship’soperating schedule. These repairs will be done by theship’s force if possible, or if necessary, by personnelfrom an IMA, SIMA, or SRF.. A regular IMA availability is used for generalrepairs and authorized alterations that are notemergencies. This work is usually beyond the capabilityof the ship’s force and is normally scheduled in advance.l An emergency IMA availability is used to repairspecific casualties and generally takes first priority at afleet IMA.. A concurrent availability is used for ship-to-shopwork by the shore IMA, tender, or repair ship. Theseavailabilities are usually scheduled to take place justbefore a regular shipyard overhaul or restrictedavailability.Before we get into the personnel and proceduresrelated to repair activities, it will be helpful to definerepairs and alterations.REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONSCorrective maintenance and repairs to ships may bedivided into the general categories of repairs, alterationsequivalent to repairs, and alterations.REPAIRSA repair is defined as the work necessary to restorea ship or an article to serviceable condition withoutchange in design, in materials, or in the number,location, or relationship of parts. Repairs may be doneby ship’s force, by repair ships and tenders, by SRFs, orby naval or civilian shipyards.ALTERATIONS EQUIVALENT TO REPAIRSBefore we discuss alterations, we need tounderstand that NAVSEASYSCOM may determine thatsome work requested as an alteration may be betterdefined as an alteration equivalent to repair. In that case,NAVSEASYSCOM forwards the request to theappropriate type commander (TYCOM) to be handledas a repair. An alteration is considered to be an alterationequivalent to a repair if it meets one or more of thefollowing conditions:llllMaterials that have previously been approved forsimilar use and that are available from standardstock are substituted without other change indesign.Worn out or damaged parts, assemblies, orequipment requiring renewal will be replaced bythose of a later and more efficient design that hasbeen previously approved.Parts that require repair or replacement toimprove reliability of the parts and of the unit willbe strengthened, provided no other change indesign is involved.Equipment that requires no significant changesin design or functioning but is consideredessential to prevent recurrence of unsatisfactoryconditions will be given minor modifications.ALTERATIONSThis chapter deals only with ship alterations(SHIPALTs) as opposed to ordnance alterations(ORDALTs). These are alterations to the hull,machinery, equipment, or fittings that includes a changein design, materials, number, location, or relationship ofthe component parts. This is true regardless of whetherthe SHIPALT is undertaken separately from, incidentalto, or in conjunction with repairs. NAVSEASYSCOM,the forces afloat, or CNO may originate requests forSHIPALTs.One of NAVSEASYSCOM’s prime responsibilitiesfor ship maintenance is to administer SHIPALTs underits technical control. NAVSEASYSCOM keepsinformed of technical developments in its day-to-dayrelations with the forces afloat, the naval shipyards,privateindustry,andresearchcenters.NAVSEASYSCOM may determine that a particularship or class of ships should be altered to bring them toa more efficient and modern state of readiness. Thesealterations may include changes such as those in thefollowing examples:Changes to the hull maystrengthen bulkheads or change deck arrangements toprovide space for machinery. New machinery may beadded or old machinery made more efficient. Equipmentmay be replaced with more efficient types or newdesigns.9-2
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