CANVAS SHOP.— These personnel fabricatemiscellaneous canvas covers, awnings, and boat cloths,and they repair furniture using leather and cloth fabrics.DIVING LOCKER.— These personnel inspect theunderwater portion of the hull and prepare theunderwater hull reports for the repair officer. They alsoreplace propellers on destroyers and small ships andrepair or replace other items underwater as needed. Theyclean propellers, sonar domes, sea chests, and largeinjection valves; clear fouled propellers and sea chests;and maintain the diving boat and diving equipment inrepair and operational readiness.Machinery Repair DivisionThe machinery repair division consists of the insidemachine shop, the outside machine shop, the boilershop, and the foundry shop. We will explain each ofthem in the following paragraphs.INSIDE MACHINE SHOP.— These personnelrepair or fabricate mechanical parts that require workdone on machine shop tools and equipment. They dometal plating and engraving, and they test metals todetermine their characteristics. They also handlealterations designated for forces afloat.OUTSIDE MACHINE SHOP.— These personnelshop test and repair all types of machinery used in navalships. They also handle alterations designated for forcesafloat.BOILER SHOP.— These personnel shop test,inspect, and repair boilers of naval ships.FOUNDRY SHOP.— These personnel pourcastings of various metals to produce repair parts andwhole items used on the ship.Electrical Repair DivisionThe electrical repair division consists of the electricshop, the gyro shop, the printing shop, and the photoshop.ELECTRIC SHOP.— These personnel inspect,test, repair, and make adjustments to nearly all electricalequipment, and they also handle electrical alterationsdesignated for forces afloat.Electronics Repair DivisionThe electronics repair division consists of theelectronics shop and the calibration shop.ELECTRONICS SHOP.— These personnel alignand repair all types of electronic equipment, make fieldchanges, and maintain an electronics publicationslibrary.CALIBRATION SHOP.— These personnel repairand calibrate most test equipment used on naval ships.SHIP REPAIR FACILITIESMost SRFs are located outside the continentalUnited States. They are supervised by naval officerswho are assisted by enlisted and U.S. civilian personnel.Other personnel are citizens of the country where theSRF is located. An SRF has drydocks and shops that canhandle nearly all ship repair work. They normallyhandle voyage repairs and overhauls of ships that arebased in the area. They do not do new construction.SRF organization is based on standard navalshipyard organization modified for local conditions.Figure 9-1 shows a typical SRF organization.ADMINISTRATION AND CONTROLAn SRF is under the control of a commandingofficer, usually a captain. It is part of a fleet orshore-based activity that exercises military command.The SRF staff includes a planning officer, anadministrative officer, a management engineeringofficer, and sometimes a general manager for civilianpersonnel who acts only as an advisor. An SRF provideslogistic support including drydock overhaul, repair,alteration, and conversion of naval ships and servicecraft, and ships and craft of other U.S. governmentdepartments as assigned. They also perform voyagerepairs and related work and they install and maintainshore-based electronic equipment and provide technicalassistance to assigned naval activities.PLANNING AND ESTIMATING (P&E)The planning department is under the direction ofthe planning officer who is a senior engineering duty(ED) officer. It does all planning, estimating, designing,scheduling, and reporting. It is patterned after those innaval shipyards but on a smaller scale.The P&E superintendents’ billets are tilled by EDofficers. They include a senior P&E superintendent,assistant superintendents for material and finance, andother related military and civilian positions dependingon the amount of work done at the SRF. The planningdepartment is the first point of contact for a customership.9-6
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