Normally, the auxiliaries (A) and repair (R)division officers are responsible under the DCA. Butthe DCA performs those duties in ships where there arenot enough officers to fill the billets.The DCA now is responsible for two functions thatwere formerly collateral duties. They are chemical,biological, and radiation (CBR) defense officer andgas-free engines.As the CBR defense officer, the DCA should be agraduate of a comprehensive CBR defense course. Heacts as technical advisor to the CO and the engineerofficer in matters concerning CBR defense. He assistsdivision officers in the CBR warfare training ofpersonnel in the ship and is responsible for theindoctrination and training of the damage control battleorganization in this type of warfare.As gas-free engineer, the DCA must organize andadminister a training program to inform all hands of thehazards involved in entering closed or poorly ventilatedspaces and in welding and allied operations. He isresponsible for the posting of a warning of such hazardsin spaces where they exist. He is authorized to orderpersonnel out of a compartment immediately or tosuspend work whenever an unsafe condition exists. Hemust immediately notify the CO, engineer officer, orother responsible authority of any such work stoppageand the reason for it.THE ELECTRICAL OFFICER.— The electricalofficer is responsible for the operation, care, andmaintenance of the ship’s electric power generators anddistribution systems, interior communicationsequipment and systems, gyrocompass equipment andsystems, degaussing equipment and associated systems,dead reckoning analyzer and associated equipment, andsmall boat electrical systems. He is also responsible forthe maintenance of all other electrical and electronicequipment, machinery, and systems not specificallyassigned to another division or department; and thepreparation, maintenance, and submission of logs,records, and reports required in connection with hisassigned duties. The DCA serves as the electrical officerwhen the ship does not have enough officers to fill thebillet.The electrical officer is usually assigned collateralduty as SITE TV officer. In this capacity, he isresponsible for the procurement, storage, andscheduling of closed circuit television (CCTV)programs; for training on CCTV systems and associatedequipment; and for the preparation, maintenance, andsubmission of the required logs, records, and reports formotion picture programs and equipment.THE ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATIVEASSISTANT.— The engineering administrativeassistant is an aide to the engineer officer. The MPAassumes these duties when the ship does not haveenough officers to fill the billet. The engineeringadministrative assistant has the followingresponsibilities:l Operation of the logroom, maintenance of theequipment assigned, and the maintenance andpreservation of the space assigned. Assignment, training, supervision, andevaluation of the logroom Yeomen (YN) and otherenlisted personnel assigned to the logrooml Maintenance of the engineering departmentwatch billsThe engineering administrative assistant screens allincoming engineering department correspondence,initiates required action (when appropriate), and checksthe accuracy of all correspondence leaving thedepartment. He helps the engineer officer implementdirectives from higher authority that pertain to theengineering department. He also helps prepareengineering department directives and disseminatesthem after the engineer officer releases them.The engineering administrative assistant mustsupervise the logroom because it affects each of theengineering divisions and reflects the effectiveness ofthe engineering department. He must properly storeblueprints, technical manuals, and other publicationsand index them so they can be easily located. He mustestablish methods to account for the publications thathave been removed from the legroom and keep theirremoval to a minimum. He must hold periodicinventories so missing items can be promptly reordered.He must enter changes as soon as possible to make surethe publications are kept up to date and file logs,records, and reports for easy reference. To avoid clutterin the logroom, he must establish a plan for the promptdisposition of logs, records, and reports according tocurrent instructions.SPECIAL ASSISTANTS.— Special assistants tothe engineer officer include the engineering trainingofficer, the fire marshal, and the 3-M assistant.The Engineering Training Officer.— Theengineering training officer is an assistant to theengineer officer for the administration and coordinationof the department’s training program. The duties,1-10
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