lllllllllCheck the job orders completed during the lastregular overhaul.Check the status of authorized alterations andoutstanding shipyard and tender or repair shopswork requests.Observe the actions of watch personnel duringcasualty drills.Check feedwater and fuel consumption.Inspect and observe operation of the damagecontrol battle organization.Inventory damage control lockers.Check the routine for handling correspondenceand note any outstanding correspondencerequiring action.Check the status of required engineeringexercises to determine outstanding requirements.Inspect engineering department ship operations.The relieving officer should review the personnelrecords of engineering department personnel as to thenumber assigned, their qualifications, and theirassignments. He should inspect all personnel of thedepartment at quarters at least one time before effectingrelief. He must include a statement in his relieving letteras to whether enough qualified engineering departmentpersonnel are on board and list any shortages.Before relieving the engineer officer, the relievingofficer should determine whether all required logs,records, publications, and reports are being maintainedand are correct, complete, and up to date. He shouldnote any discrepancies in the engineer officer’srelieving letter.To determine the amount and condition of theequipage and supplies in the custody of the engineerofficer, the relieving officer must inspect outstandingrequisitions of the engineering department and inspectinventory, storage, and preservation of engineeringstorerooms and toolrooms. After conducting aninventory of accountable equipment in the custody ofthe engineer officer, the relieving officer signs thenecessary custody cards. The officer being relievedmust prepare surveys on all missing accountableequipage.Circumstances may prevent the engineer officerand his relief from making a joint inspection and report.When this occurs, the relieving officer must make theinspection as soon as possible and submit his report tothe CO within 20 days after taking charge of theengineering department.The relieved engineer officer sends the CO a letterthat reports the relief and the conditions existing in theengineering department. He sends it via the relievingofficer, who endorses it after he agrees that it containsno omissions or exceptions. The relieving officershould make sure the condition of the department asstated in the relieving letter reflects the actualconditions. If they do not, he may be embarrassed whenthe CO requires an explanation of an engineeringcasualty or other unusual condition.Specific DutiesThe engineer officer is responsible for theoperation, care, and maintenance of the ship’s mainpropulsion plant, electric power plant, auxiliarymachinery, piping systems, and interior communica-tions systems; for the control of damage; and for repairsto the ship’s hull. When requested by the head of thedepartment concerned, the engineer officer maybecome responsible for the repairs of material andequipment that are beyond the capacity of the personnelor equipment in other departments but within thecapacity of the engineering department.As an example of a specific duty, the engineerofficer must keep himself fully acquainted with thegeneral condition of each boiler and the manner inwhich it is being operated and maintained. He shouldmake periodic inspections for that purpose.The engineer officer must assure himself that idleboilers are properly laid up at all times, that, whilesteaming, fuel oil is free of seawater, and that feedwateris within prescribed limits.He must be sure all parts of the boiler are carefullyexamined whenever they are exposed for cleaning andoverhaul. The conditions observed must be described inthe boilerwater treatment log and the engineering log.All unusual cases of boiler damage or deteriorationdiscovered at any time should be reported to theTYCOM. If the damage is important enough, or if theship needs technical assistance from the Naval SeaSystems Command (NAVSEASYSCOM), a copy ofthe correspondence should be forwarded toNAVSEASYSCOM.The Assistants to the Engineer OfficerThe engineer officer is assigned assistants as maybe required for damage control, main propulsion,1-8
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