Figure 1-4.-Format for a functional guide.
When the type commander (TYCOM) decides it is
necessary, the Standard Organization and Regulations
of the U.S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32B, is
supplemented by department and division organization
manuals. These manuals contain organization charts
and functional guides through all supervisory levels.
Where appropriate, functional guides are also provided
for watch standers.
The engineer officer and engineering division
officers are responsible for issuing and maintaining
their respective department or division organization
manuals. The CO must approve the engineering
department organization manual when it is issued. The
engineer officer must approve any division organization
manual issued for divisions under his control.
OPNAVINST 3120.32B contains detailed instructions
on the preparation of department and division
organization manuals.
Every officer in the engineering department must
ensure the operational readiness of the department and
thereby the operational readiness of the ship. Morale,
training of personnel, and maintenance of materials are
essential for readiness. Proper administration of the
department promotes and sustains these factors.
Effective administration demands planning, organizing,
commanding, and controlling. Of all the elements of
administration, organization (the machinery of
administration) is the most important. The effectiveness
of the engineering department organization depends
upon the following principles: (1) unity of command,
(2) homogeneity of assignment, (3) span of control, and