Figure 3-29.--45-caliber semiautomatic service pistol-(A) assembled and (B) sectional view in recoil position.
Only your ability to change magazines, aim, and
chamber pressures when the weapon is freed. Whenever
practical, ammunition should be stored under cover.
squeeze the trigger rapidly limits the rate of fire of the
.45-caliber service pistol.
The pistol is 8 5/8 inches in length and weighs 3
pounds frilly loaded, with a maximum range of 1,500
yards, and a maximum effective range of 50 yards. It
uses different kinds of .45-caliber ammunition. (These
The .45-caliber service pistol shown in figure 3-29
will be discussed later under ammunition.)
is an individual weapon intended for use in close
As a Seabee, you are expected to keep this weapon
combat. The .45-caliber pistol is a semiautomatic,
recoil-operated, magazine-fed hand weapon. The pistol
in good working condition. To ensure that it will
fires one round each time the trigger is squeezed. The
function correctly, you must disassemble it to inspect
pistol can be carried in either a hip or shoulder holster.
and clean the parts. Procedures for general disassembly
The magazine holds seven cartridges. The forward
(field-stripping), assembly, functioning, loading, firing,
movement of the slide strips the upper cartridge from
unloading, malfunctions, stoppages, immediate action,
the magazine into the chamber. After the last cartridge
and the care and cleaning of the service pistol will be
from the magazine has been fired, the slide remains in
the rear.
covered in the following sections.