Figure 3-32.--Sllide stop removal.
Figure 3-30.---Magazine removal and chamber inspection for a
right-handed firer.
Figure 3-33.--Separating the receiver from the slide by pulling
the receiver rearward.
in figure 3-30, for a right-handed firer. The left-handed
firer should reverse hands for this procedure. Pull the
slide to the rear and inspect the chamber to see that the
weapon is clear. Press down on the slide stop and allow
the slide to move forward. Press the thumb safety lock
upward to the SAFE position.
2. Press down on the recoil spring plug and turn the
barrel bushing one-fourth turn clockwise, as shown in
figure 3-31. Allow the recoil spring to expand slowly,
under control, to prevent injury or loss of the part and
remove the plug. Turn the recoil spring plug
counterclockwise and remove it. Leave the recoil spring
Figure 3-31.--Recoil spring plug removal from the recoil spring.
in place.
3. Press the thumb safety lock downward to the
FIRE position. Push the slide to the rear until the
disassembly notch, as shown in figure 3-32, is aligned
with the rear projection on the slide stop. Press the
General disassembly is the disassembly necessary
protruding end of tie slide stop, and then pull out the
for normal care and cleaning. To field-strip the service
slide stop.
pistol, perform the steps in the following order:
4. Pull the receiver rearward to separate it from the
1. Hold the pistol in the raised pistol position, press
the magazine catch, and remove the magazine, as shown
slide, as shown in figure 3-33.