Stoppages are classified as a malfunction of one of
the trigger. If the hammer falls, the hammer or sear must
the eight steps in the cycle of operation given in the
be replaced.
previous section. Stoppages are usually the result of
worn parts or improper care of the weapon.
Draw the pistol from the holster and hold it at the
raised pistol position. Insert a magazine loaded with
from one to seven rounds of ammunition. Grasp the slide
Immediate action is the prompt action you take to
with the left hand, thumb on the right side of the slide.
reduce a stoppage. The procedure for immediate action
Pull the slide fully to the rear, release, and press the
should bean instinct when you are armed with the pistol.
safety lock up to the SAFE position with the left
If a stoppage occurs, apply immediate action
forefinger. Left-handed personnel should reverse the
automatically in an effort to reduce the stoppage without
hand positions for this procedure.
attempting to discover the cause at that time.
If the slide is fully forward, the hammer falls but
the pistol fails to fire, apply immediate action as
To fire the pistol right handed, press the safety lock
down to the FIRE position with the left thumb to prevent
1. Manually cock the hammer without opening the
disturbing the firing grip of the right hand. Left-handed
chamber and make one additional attempt to fire. If the
Seabees should reverse the above thumb and hand
pistol still fails to fire, wait 10 seconds; then come to the
directions to complete this procedure. Obtain the correct
raised pistol position. Grasp the slide with the thumb and
sight alignment and sight picture and squeeze the trigger.
first finger of the left hand, keeping the thumb on the
To fire successive shots, you must release the trigger and
right side of the slide. Left-handed shooters should
squeeze again. When the last cartridge from the
reverse hand and thumb directions for this procedure.
magazine has been fired, the slide returns to the rear.
Rapidly pull the slide rearward to its full extent. Rotate
the pistol to the right allowing the unfired round to drop
out, release the slide, and allow it to return to the forward
position, cambering anew cartridge.
To unload the pistol, hold it at the raised pistol
position. Press the magazine catch and remove the
magazine. If the slide is in the forward position, pull the
slide to the rear, and push the slide stop up. Inspect the
chamber to ensure that the pistol is clear. Press the slide
Keep the pistol pointed down range during
stop down, allowing the slide to go forward. Keep the
this operation.
pistol at the raised pistol position, squeeze the trigger,
and then holster the weapon.
2. Aim and attempt to fire.
If the slide is not fully forward, apply immediate
action as follows: remove the trigger finger from the
trigger guard; and with the nonfiring hand, attempt to
A malfunction is a future of the weapon to function
push the slide fully forward.
satisfactorily. Malfunctions are classified as defects in
the weapon that normally do not cause a break in the
If the slide will not move forward, proceed as
cycle of operation. You may discover a malfunction, for
example, when the grip safety does not block the trigger
1. Bring the weapon to the raised pistol position.
or when the slide does not remain to the rear after the
last round is fired.
2. Remove the magazine.
3. Grasp the slide with the nonfiring hand, pull the
slide to the rear, and lock it with the slide stop.
A stoppage is any unintentional interruption in the
4. Inspect the chamber. Remove any obstructions.
cycle of operation. If the. pistol stops firing through no
5. Insert another loaded magazine into the pistol.
fault of yours or the weapon does not fire when you
6. Release the slide.
attempt to fire it, then a stoppage has occurred.