denotes the date, the second pair the hours, and the
third pair the minutes.
consisting of the hasty assumption of the defense
and reorganization on the seized objective.
D-DAY-- The day on which an operation commences or
COOK OFF-- A cook off is a functioning of any or all
is to commence.
of the explosive components of a cartridge or shell
DEAD SPACE-- The area within the maximum range of
caused by a weapon that has become very hot from
a weapon that cannot be covered by fire from a
continuous firing.
particular position because of intervening obstacles
CORRIDOR-- A strip of land forming a passageway
or because of the nature of the ground.
between two opposing forces; in battle, no man's
DEBARKATION-- The unloading of troops, equip-
ment, or supplies from a ship or aircraft.
COUNTERATTACK-- An attack by a part or all of a
DEFENSIVE POSITION-- A portion of a defense area
defending force against an enemy attacking force.
physically occupied by troops and weapons.
The specific purpose of the attack is to regain
ground lost or to cut off or destroy enemy advance
DEFILADE-- A position protected from hostile ground
units. The general objective of the attack is to deny
observation and fire by a mask.
friendly territory to the enemy.
DEFILE-- A narrow place or space, such as a mountain
COUNTERRECOIL-- The return of a breech
pass, a ford, or a bridge, that restricts the advance
mechanism to battery position after it has reached
of a force on a wide front or its movement to the
recoil limit. In small-arms weapons, it is usually
accomplished by the release of compressed springs.
DEFLECTIONS-- The setting on the scale of a gunsight
COUNTERSLOPE-- Aposition located on the forward
to place the line of fire in the direction desired; the
slope of the next elevation to the rear of the main
horizontal clockwise angle between the axis of the
bore and the line of sighting.
COVER-- Any object that gives protection from enemy
DELAYING ACTION-- A form of defensive action
used to slow up the enemy's advance (without
COVERT OPERATIONS-- Operations that are so
becoming decisively engaged) to gain time.
planned and executed as to conceal the identity of
DEPLOYMENT-- An extension of width or depth of a
the sponsor.
unit or both; how a unit is organized for combat.
DEPTH-- The distance from front to rear of an element,
which is vital to the accomplishment of the mission.
formation, or position.
CRYSTAL-- A natural substance, such as quartz or
DIRECT FIRE-- Fire delivered by a weapon sighted
tourmaline, that is used to control the frequency of
directly at the target.
DIRECT SUPPORT-- The support given directly to a
CYCLIC RATE OF FIRE-- The theoretical number of
specific force in response to its request for
rounds a weapon can fire in 1 minute, disregarding
the limits of overheating and the capacity of the
over a wide area to avoid offering the enemy a
CYLINDER-- The chamber in which the piston moves
concentrated target; a scattered pattern of hits of
in gas-operated weapons.
bombs dropped under identical conditions or of
DANGER SPACE-- The area between the muzzle of a
shots fired from the same gun with the same firing
direct fire weapon and the point of impact of its
projectile (not to exceed the height of an average
DISPLACEMENT-- The movement of supporting
standing man).
weapons or elements from one position to another.
DATE-TIME GROUP (DTG)-- The date and time that
DISTANCE-- Space between elements in the direction
identifies when a message is prepared for
of depth. Between individuals, it is the space
transmission. The DTG is expressed in six digits
followed by a zone suffix-the first pair of digits
between your chest and the person to your front.