in column when its squads are in column and
CARTRIDGE-- A small-arms round ready for firing; its
components are the cartridge case, primer,
propellant, and bullet.
COMBAT ORDER-- An order issued by a commander
for a combat operation specifying time and date of
CARTRIDGE CASE-- A metal case that houses the
primer and propellant and holds the bullet.
COMBAT OUTPOST-- A security element for a
CHAMBER-- The enlarged part of the bore at the breech
battalion defensive position located approximately
that holds the cartridge.
1,000 to 2,500 yards forward of the main line of
CHAMBERING-- The process of placing a round into
the chamber of a weapon after it has been fed into
the weapon.
COMBAT PATROL-- A patrol whose primary mission
CHANNEL-- An electrical path over which trans-
is to engage actively in combat with the enemy and
missions can be made from one station (unit) to
whose secondary mission is to gain information
about the enemy and the terrain.
CHARGE-- A part of the fire command that established
COMBAT PLAN-- A plan issued for a combat operation
the amount of propellant to be used with a shell.
that may be effective immediately for planning
CHECKPOINT-- An easily identifiable point on the
purposes or for specified preparatory action. It is not
terrain that is used in controlling movement or
put into execution until directed by the commander
reporting locations of friendly units.
in a separate order of execution or until certain
specified conditions are determined to exist. When
its execution is directed, a combat plan becomes, in
more points.
effect, a combat order.
CIVIC ACTION-- The use of military forces on projects
COMMAND POST (CP)-- The location of a unit's
that contribute to the economic development of the
headquarters from which the commander and the
local population. The projects concern education,
staff operate.
training, public works, agriculture, transportation,
communications, health, sanitation, and others.
responsible for the receipt, transmission, and
delivery of messages.
activities sponsored or conducted by governmental
departments or agencies using secretor illicit means
consisting of a number of designated stations
against another nation.
connected with one another by any means
of communications.
CLIP-- A device that holds cartridges so they can be
loaded into a weapon.
by all measures to deny unauthorized persons
CLOSE AIR SUPPORT-- Air operations against the
information of value that might be derived from a
enemy executed at very close range to friendly front
study or receipt of communications.
CLOSE COMBAT-- Hand-to-hand fighting with
of a battle area defended by front-line platoons; it
rifles, or pistols.
forward to the FEBA, and rearward to the
COCKING-- The phase of operation that pertains to the
supplementary positions required by the front-line
locking of the hammer or firing assembly, slide
assembly, or bolt group in a fixed (or held) position
CONCEALMENT-- The protection from observation
under spring tension and with all parts in position.
Depressing the trigger allows the firing pin to strike
the primer.
CONNECTING ELEMENT-- A file or group of
personnel whose mission is to maintain contact
COLUMN-- A formation in which the elements are
placed one behind the other; a section or platoon is
between elements of a command.