follow a standard procedure (listed below) while
obviously will be, he is the getaway man and returns to
friendly lines to report the situation.
preparing for and executing assigned missions.
Depending upon the circumstances and the type of
The rear point varies in size, depending on the
operation, the leader may take some steps before he
enemy situation and the size of the patrol. Usually,
takes others. At times, some steps may not be required
keeping a sharp lookout to the rear to prevent a surprise
enemy attack from that direction is necessary.
or may not be possible because of time limitations. Time
is the governing factor in applying patrol planning steps.
All steps should be considered, although the degree of
consideration for each step may vary. The normal
Before leaving friendly lines, the patrol leader must
sequence is as follows:
select a route to his final destination. This maybe done
1. Study the mission.
on a map, on an aerial photograph, or on the actual
ground to be covered. He should select intermediate
2. Plan use of time.
objectives along that route. These successive objectives
3. Study terrain and situation.
regulate the progress of the patrol.
4. Organize the patrol.
A patrol should always designate one or more rally
points where it can reassemble if it is dispersed,
5. Select men, weapons, and equipment.
ambushed, or surprised by enemy attack Normally, an
6. Issue the warning order.
intermediate objective becomes the rallying point as the
patrol moves beyond it. In this way, the patrol leader can
7. Coordinate (continuous throughout the patrol).
be sure each individual of the patrol is thoroughly
8. Make reconnaissance.
familiar with the rallying point locations.
9. Complete detailed plans.
Members of a dispersed patrol should try to reach
the designated rallying point quickly so the mission may
10. Issue patrol order.
be readily resumed. If the patrol leader does not arrive
11. Supervise (at all times), inspect, rehearse,
within a reasonable period of time, the second in
and reinspect.
command must reorganize the patrol and carry out the
12. Execute the mission.
A special organization is simply a general
The patrol leader carefully studies the mission,
organization varied to suit a particular mission or a
Through study of the mission, the terrain, and the
particular set of circumstances; for example, in area
situation, he identifies the essential tasks to be
accomplished to execute the mission. These essential
security and NO separately organized security element;
tasks become missions of the patrol's elements and
however, the patrol leader uses the same. security
teams for which the organization, personnel, and
techniques he uses for a day patrol, modifying them only
equipment must be considered
as necessary.
The first step in planning is to allot (approximately)
the available time remaining before departure. When
The first requirement for a patrol leader is a
thorough understanding of the patrol order. Be sure you
you fully understand the order, mentally outline
understand all of the instruction clearly and take notes.
everything that must be done before you leave, and allot
After you have heard the order, if there are points on
time for each item. Start with the time of departure and
which you are not entirely clear, ASK QUESTIONS.
work backward. This procedure, tilled BACKWARD
PLANNING, helps to ensure that you have allowed
To make the best use of time, facilities, and
personnel, the squad leader and the fire team leader
sufficient time for each necessary action.