You are not expected to be a draftsman. But you
A topographic sketch is prepared so the person
should be able, if necessary, to make rough drawings of
receiving it can plot on a map your scouting position or
maps, field sketches, and overlays. The instruction
the information you wish to convey. To prepare a
presented in this chapter about maps is designed to assist
topographic sketch, you need a map similar to one your
you in making rough drawings of them. The information
below will be useful in preparing a rough drawing of a
1. Read the azimuth from your position to the
field sketch or map overlay.
position of an object you can easily see and describe.
The two types of sketches are panoramic and
2. Estimate the distance, using the most accurate
means available.
3. Draw the azimuth line from you to the object.
Then mark the azimuth above this line and the distance
below this line.
A panoramic sketch is a picture of the ground or
terrain. It shows the height and view from your point of
4. At the proper end of the line, indicate the object.
observation. A panoramic sketch prepared by one scout
At the other end of the line, indicate your own position.
may assist another scout in finding himself for a brief
5. Find the azimuth and the distance to some other
time in the same location.
point on the map or to the position of the command post.
To make a panoramic sketch, use the following
6. Draw this line on the sketch. Then indicate the
azimuth, the distance, and the object to which it is
1. First, determine the information you desire to
7. Finally, sign the sketch.
2. Next, draw in the landscape lines that are more
or less horizontal.
3. Show the main points of the area on the sketch.
Do not put in any unimportant details that might only be
A map overlay is generally used to send back
confusing, and do not show the foreground. Be sure you
show the location of the information you are conveying.
placing apiece of transparent paper on a map, marking
the location, and numbering the corners of the grid
4. Place any explanatory notes above the sketch
squares. At least two corners should be marked or
with arrows pointing to the features explained.
crossed. These crosses are called REGISTER MARKS
5. The most prominent point in the sketch should
and are used to orient the overlay on a map later on. After
be used as a reference point. After selecting this point,
the register marks have been made, you only need to
indicate the azimuth reading used to locate it.
write the information that is to be sent back to the
command post. When the overlay is receive&it will be
6. Place a title on the sketch, show where it was
placed on a similar map and oriented by its register
prepared, indicate the date and the time it was made;
marks and the information you recorded.
then sign it.