Observe the squad leader.
Since the automatic rifles are the backbone of the
defense of the squad, the squad leader selects the exact
A sketch of the fire plan is submitted by the fire
fighting position. The remainder of the fire team is
team leader to the squad leader. The magnetic North
then positioned around the automatic rifles. The PDF
line provides a reference to show the direction the fire
of the automatic rifles are selected by the platoon
team is facing. Figure 4-7 shows the meaning of the
commander or the squad leader.
various symbols.
A rifleman is positioned so he can cover the entire
The platoon commander assigns each squad a
fire team sector. The position must provide support
defensive mission specifying a sector of fire and a
and protection for the automatic rifleman.
primary position. Terrain features are selected to show
the lateral and forward limits of the sector of fire of
the squad. The platoon commander designates the
general firing positions and the PDF for specific
The squad leader positions the grenadier where the
automatic rifles or crew-served weapons, which are
M203 grenade launcher is most effective. In combat,
critical to the defense of the entire platoon.
the grenadier is usually close to the squad leader. The
Designated on-call targets are established and
squad leader may choose to use the grenadier to cover
coordinated with the Combat Operation Center
dead space in the defense.
(COC). Supplementary positions are assigned to the
squads for all-around defense and to protect the flanks
Usually the position of the fire team leader is at
the center of the fire team from which he can perform
The squad leader formulates a basic squad fire
the following:
plan to occupy physically the assigned primary
Observe the entire fire team and its sector of fire.
position and to cover, by fire, the sector assigned by
Direct the fire of the automatic rifle.
the platoon commander. The fire plan includes the
Figure 4-7.--Fire plan sketch and symbols.