or crew-served weapon; however, this responsibility y
may be delegated to the squad leader. If so, the squad
leader will designate the PDF for each automatic
weapon or crew-served weapon.
The position of the squad leader is usually slightly
to the rear of the fire teams and to the center of the
squad. From this position the squad leader should be
able to observe the following:
Assigned sector of fire.
Observe as much of the squad as possible.
Maintain contact with the platoon commander.
assignment of the sectors of fire of the fire team and
Based upon the fire plan sketch received from the
PDF for automatic rifles or crew-served weapons (fig.
fire team leaders, the squad leader prepares a squad
fire plan sketch. Two copies are prepared-one for the
squad leader and the other for the platoon commander
Fire teams are distributed so they physically
The sketch should include the following:
occupy the assigned position and can cover, by fire,
Fire team positions and sectors of fire
the assigned sector. The fire teams are normally
placed abreast, firing the FEBA. Terrain dictates
Position and PDF of the automatic rifles
the effective placement of the individual members
Crew-served weapons position
of each fire team. Place crew-served weapons first,
so the position of the squad can provide close-in
Primary fire missions (FPL or PDF)
protection for these weapons.
Approved on-call targets
Squad leader position
Terrain features and estimated ranges to them
The platoon commander norm ally designates the
Direction of magnetic North
general firing position of a specific automatic weapon