Figure 4-13.--Coverage for a gap.
Clear fields of fire.
is submitted to the company commander for approval
Assign sectors of fire and PDFs.
The sketch or overlay includes the following:
Prepare fighting positions.
Squad primary position and sectors of fire
Plan, coordinate, and plot available fire support.
Positions and PDFs for all automatic rifles
Install tactical and supplementary wire.
including crew-served weapons
Location of platoon or company observation
Lay and bury wire for the final communication
FPLs of all weapons located in platoon defense
Prepare other obstacles including claymores and
protective wire.
On-call targets
Prepare alternate positions.
Barriers and early warning devices
Prepare supplementary positions.
Claymore mines
NOTE: The platoon commander must have
constant communication with the squad leaders and
the company CP.
The task of organizing the platoon in the defense
begins immediately upon arrival of the company.
Work commences in the order of priority established
Crew-served weapons are the fire support
platoon normally include the following actions in
elements of the rifle companies. The weapons
order of importance:
platoons and the 60-mm mortar platoons are
responsible for the crew-served weapons. Their
Establish security.
purpose is to provide each company with organic
Hastily set up a communication network.
machine gun support, mortar fire support, and antitank
defense capability.
Position automatic and crew-served weapons.