terrain and a sector of fire. The plan of defense results
frontage is the area that is physically occupied by the
from the estimate of the situation and the
platoon. It can be up to 450 meters.
fundamentals of defense of the platoon commander
discussed previously in this chapter.
The depth of a platoon defense area is the distance
between the squad primary positions and the rearward
extension of their supplementary positions. It maybe
up to 200 meters.
weapons platoon commander concerning crew-served
weapons and final protective lines (FPLs). The
defensive fire plan of the platoon is integrated with the
fire plan of the company.
The platoon is assigned part of the company
Once the primary positions of the squads are
security area forward of the FEBA. This is the area
determined, the platoon commander selects the sector
where the company sends out patrols. It is important
of fire of the squad. The sectors of the squads overlap
as a platoon commander to know when and where a
and cover the portion of the company battle position
patrol will cross into his security area Coordination
assigned to the platoon. The sectors of fire of the flank
between platoon commanders and the company
squads overlap the adjacent platoon's flank squad's
commander on the positions of listening posts,
sectors of fire, and the interlocking fire provides
observation posts, and early warning devices is
When a gap exits between adjacent platoons,
proper coverage is accomplished by use of indirect fire
The plan of defense of the platoon commander
consists of a well-developed fire support plan that is
integrated with the fire support and barrier planning
of the company. Close combination with the other
platoon commanders assigned to the company is
The platoon commander prepares a fire plan
sketch or overlay based from the fire plan sketches of
critical. Basically, the plan of defense of the platoon
the squad leader. A platoon fire plan sketch or overlay
consists of assigning each squad a position on the
Figure 4-12.--Mutual support provided by flank fire.